
Case Study: Changing careers from a lawyer to a life coach.

Achieve - arms open to the sun - personal development

Briony, in her own words had a pretty ‘ordinary default trajectory path’ of how her life would look. An honours Law degree, followed by a job at a top tier law firm, saw her happy in an ‘everyday’ kind of way, but deep down she knew she was capable of more. Through START’s Design programme, […]

Case Study; Changing Careers from health & safety to tourism

Julie had done a lot in her career – she’d worked in project management, human resources, training – and even tourism. Somehow she had ended up in health & safety, and when she wondered how, she couldn’t say. It happens sometimes – our careers evolve organically – we get promoted from one job to the […]

Case Study: Changing careers from a banker to an online retailer

When I met Denise, she looked like she was ready for change. She had been working in the same bank for nearly 20 years, and at 42 she knew she couldn’t do the same job for another 5 years, let alone 10! The problem was, she had worked her way up in the bank to […]