Career Coaching
I have been trained in "the school of life"
Most of what I have learned about career coaching has come from 25 years of working in both large, global – and more recently – small, local organisations. Through hands on leadership experience, I have gained a lot of wisdom about building your career, changing careers, starting a business, and how to navigate the human politics of business, and complex problem solving
My formal training comes from Stanford’s “Design your Life” programme, and I am deeply experienced in how to apply the methodology of Design Thinking, to the challenge we all face at some point in our lives – crafting work – and lives – to love.
In the 7 years I have been a career coach I have helped many people grow and adapt their careers – often moving into senior leadership roles where they thought the pathway was closed for them. And I have helped people start new businesses – many of which are now global.
I have also helped businesses develop career planning strategies for their teams, and offer career coaching to help people leaving organisations pivot into roles that suit their changing lifestyle – sometimes resulting in less responsibility, and more time for themselves.
My training has brought me into contact with CEO’s, technical managers, entrepreneurs, students and leadership teams. And from all of this, I learned great wisdom in how to effectively support people to develop and grow.
If you are looking for unique career change advice, get in touch to learn more about my Career Coaching services.
My purpose? To enable people to work well.
“The hard work puts you where the luck can find you."
Let's get started
If you’d like to meet me to learn more about my Career Planning & Career Coaching methods, and understand if this is the right programme for you, or just get some quick tips – I’m available.Â
You can book a FREE 20mn consult to talk about what’s happening for you, explore options, and hopefully give you one quick thing to start working on!  Plus I can tell you more about “How to Build a Career to Love” and my coaching options.Â
Or if you’ve subscribed to “How to Build a Career to Love” you can use this time to check-in at the end of each section.Â

Quick fixes
Sometimes you just get stuck – and need some fast help. Whether its with a job application, performance review, or a difficult situation you are trying to resolve.Â
In this 30mn focussed Career Coaching Conversation we can cover 1 topic that you need specific support with. Â Think about something you are stuck on, and give me a good brief. Â Typical topics that work in this short timeframe can include:
- Is this the right way to approach a job interview?
- How do I deal with a difficult conversation with my boss?
- Should I push for a promotion?
- I’m confused about what to do next, where do I start?
You bring the challenges, I’ll bring my wisdom and creativity.Â
$150 (AUD)

Problem Solver
Sometimes you need some ongoing support to resolve a broader issue – relating to your current work, or if you are considering changing jobs or careers. Â
In this 1 hour Career Coaching Meeting, we can really get stuck-into a few things that you are working through.
Generally these coaching meetings work best if you can give me a good pre-brief, including;
- What are you struggling with and why?
- What have you already tried – what’s worked, what hasn’t?
- Why are you still stuck?
- What outcome are you ideally trying to create?
- What would you most like my help with?
60mns can sometimes be all it takes to get people un-stuck. And if we need more time, we can create a programme to suit your budget.
You bring your focus, and I’ll bring you the courage to make change.Â
$245 (AUD)

Challenge & Validate
These longer workshops are generally booked for customers who have already completed “How to Build a Career to Love”, or have a pre-agreed Coaching Programme with me. Â
This is the Premium service I offer to clients, where we unpack the insights you have gathered to date about your career (from the programme – or some other advice), and seek to validate an outcome for you. Â
For senior people who are looking to make big change, it comes with risk. Having an objective outsider to challenge your assumptions, offer new inspiration and validate your direction, can be an invaluable, confidential source of guidance.Â
These coaching sessions (individually or in a series) can also be used to develop a new business model, re-design or re-define an existing role or team structure, or support you in your own personal Leadership practice.Â
$345 (AUD)

Some of the philosophies I base my coaching on:
Safety & confidentiality are baseline.
I meet all kinds of people in my work, and the one thing that I watch out for immediately, is your personal safety. If I think you are in a situation that you need to get out of for your own mental, emotional or physical health I will tell you. And all that we discuss and share is 100% confidential. You have to feel safe with me, in order for me to help you.
Empathy isn't assumed, its earned.
Empathy sits at the heart of learning and growth. By allowing me to build trust with you and fully understand what you are struggling with and why, I have a greater chance of unlocking real and meaningful change for you. When I ask you questions, it is in the service of gaining empathy. The more I am able to truly know you through understanding, the faster we can move.
Nothing comes, without action.
If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that you have to take action quickly. It may feel at times that I am pushing you to ‘do stuff’ – this is because without action, there is no progress. I embrace design thinking and the philosophy of ‘try and learn’ – by taking small steps, you will figure out if you are on the right track. The only way coaching works, is if both parties put in equal effort. I will bring my wisdom and tools – if you bring courage and grit. Lets try new stuff together!
The answer isn't in me, it's in you.
I’m not in the business of selling dreams, nor am I going to ‘give you the answer’. Sorry. The reason for this is simple – the answer has to come from you. All I can do is shine a light on the things that I think will help you make the right choices, for you. And guide you to those gently. I do have a lot of wisdom to share – so if you want me to give you advice, you can ask me for it. But I prefer to help you discover the right path and direction for you, as that way, you will have a greater chance at succeeding in achieving it.
Courage, curiosity & creativity can be learned.
Don’t worry. You may be feeling like this is just going to be one heck of a scary personal encounter. It may be, but I bet it’s much more than that – it will be a fun, creative, wild ride of learning and discovery. My methods are primarily creative – because when we get creative, we get playful, and we tap into the side of our brains that are less ‘pattern based’. From being creative, we will learn the curiosity and wonder. And from wonder comes courage to take action. Let’s have some fun together!