News and Insights
The ‘world of work’ is changing more rapidly than any other time in recent history. We are fascinated by the opportunities this opens up for both organisations and employees to work differently. To build careers and businesses that embrace change, are sustainable, purposeful, and align human values with productivity and purpose.
In these articles we explore some of the ways work is changing and give insights and advice as to how to maximise these opportunities.
Melissa Jenner - writes about careers & business

The eternal search for clarity, and why it is so hard.
Clarity: “clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity”. The one thing we all seem to want, yet few of

The puzzle that keeps getting bigger
About 6 years ago I hit the eject button on my corporate career. After decades of making my career my life, I had finally hit

In the New ‘World of Work’, it’s Time for Human Innovation.
It’s hard to imagine a time when the concept of ‘a job’ has ever gone through so much revolutionary change. Back in the early 1900’s,

You Can’t Be an Agile Business, if You Don’t Enable Agile People.
I still remember it like it was yesterday. The first time I attended a Design Thinking workshop was in Auckland in 2012 with the tutors

How to Unleash Your Organisations Latent & Unique Creativity.
The world around us is full of all kinds of opportunities for creativity, everyday. There are an increasing number of new problems to solve, and

It’s Coming. Actually It’s Here. Are You Ready?
Can you feel it? It seems to be everywhere and all around us. The groundswell – a rising tide of expectation and anticipation about our

‘House of Beautiful Business’: in a World of Machines, Human Authenticity is the Ultimate Business Differentiator.
I set off to Portugal this month to visit the House of Beautiful Business 2019 in Lisbon. It’s best described as a series of ‘salons’ curated by

Lessons from the crisis front line, on leading for today.
I still remember how it felt. Waking up on 12 September 2001, in my bosses apartment in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I was sleeping

What can we learn from Socrates? The lifelong pursuit of character; in a year that matters.
Tonight I had the pleasure of joining one of the Aeara Foundations: Wiser Conversations, hosted by the remarkable Derek Handley, and guest Dr Edward Brooks from

Want to change your path in life? Live like a lion tracker.
I was fortunate tonight to join the Wiser Conversation hosted by Derek Handley, and be part of an illuminating interview with Boyd Varty – a Lion Tracker, a Storyteller, and

Lessons from the crisis front line, on leading for today.
I still remember how it felt. Waking up on 12 September 2001, in my bosses apartment in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I was
Change is a problem to solve
When a career enjoyed for decades begins to feel tedious and uninspiring, thoughts often turn to making a career u-turn and embarking on something fresh

The collective rise of consciousness and impact on our work
Have you noticed anything about social media lately? Apart from a lot of nonsense coming over twitter from POTUS, have you noticed that the sentiment

Getting innovation ready – how hard is it?
There are two things I get asked a lot by CEOs and other senior business leaders. “What exactly is innovation?” And: “How can you help