For Amanda, work wasn’t working anymore. So she designed a new path.

Recently I had the pleasure of working with an incredible young woman. For the purposes of anonymity, lets just call her Amanda. Amanda – like many women of 27 – had a great job, and a solid future ahead of her. She was a lawyer, and was working her way towards fulfilling the dreams she […]
If you think starting is hard, finishing is harder.
When I started my new business, I knew it would be hard. I was wrong. It has been relentless. So many times I have thought – why? Why did I give up my well paid, safe, secure career to leap into the unknown and pursue a purpose that I believed in? Yet here I am. […]
Use your holiday to unlock your creativity

Undoubtedly, the most precious commodity we all have is time. When I gave up working for someone else and started my own business, this suddenly became the greatest paradigm shift I’d had in a long time and a major ‘aha’ moment for me. Suddenly, I was no longer locked into a routine. I didn’t have […]
Board Directors in NZ say the CEO has to be the Innovation Champion

For a long time I have held the belief that innovation should be a fixed item on the Board Agenda. With a mandate to drive strategy and manage risk, innovation seems to sit in the cross-hairs of the Board’s Governance role. Especially given it is essentially a form of investment risk. So in association with Appoint Better […]
Where did all the play go?
Recently I was fortunate to be a coach at a design thinking workshop (thank you Thinkplace). As part of the learning for the executives, we brought in 20 school children (ages 8-12) to work on a project to ‘imagine a better community for everyone’. Their ability to build, create and work together on something quite abstract […]
Are you doing what you really want?
Recently at an event for START NOW I asked the audience – what would you do, if you could be whatever you wanted? For many, it was something very different to what they are doing today. As we’ve gotten older, it’s a question I think we have stopped asking ourselves. We’ve accepted what we are […]