Radio Live Interview
Radio Live interview · Melissa Jenner
How to find happiness in your workplace – AM Show Interview

Do you wake up on Monday morning with a sinking feeling in your stomach, knowing that you have to drag yourself to work and spend the day thinking about going home? If you are, don’t worry, you’re not alone. More than 70 percent of people feel like their career isn’t fulfilling and that their skills […]
Unleash your workers’ creativity – NZ Herald
Partner true creative ability with creative power to turn ideas into innovations, writes Melissa Jenner. The world is full of opportunities for creativity, every day. There are an increasing number of new problems to solve, and inventions to create. Most of us will — on a daily basis — have new ideas for things to […]
Case Study: Changing careers from a lawyer to a life coach.

Briony, in her own words had a pretty ‘ordinary default trajectory path’ of how her life would look. An honours Law degree, followed by a job at a top tier law firm, saw her happy in an ‘everyday’ kind of way, but deep down she knew she was capable of more. Through START’s Design programme, […]
Case Study; Changing Careers from health & safety to tourism
Julie had done a lot in her career – she’d worked in project management, human resources, training – and even tourism. Somehow she had ended up in health & safety, and when she wondered how, she couldn’t say. It happens sometimes – our careers evolve organically – we get promoted from one job to the […]
Case Study: Changing careers from a banker to an online retailer
When I met Denise, she looked like she was ready for change. She had been working in the same bank for nearly 20 years, and at 42 she knew she couldn’t do the same job for another 5 years, let alone 10! The problem was, she had worked her way up in the bank to […]
Kia Ora Magazine
Air New Zealand’s in-flight magazine. Published 2017
TVNZ’s super popular prime time show. Featured in 2017.
Lessons from the crisis front line, on leading for today.

I still remember how it felt. Waking up on 12 September 2001, in my bosses apartment in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. I was sleeping on a very small couch, in an office, surrounded by paper, a fax machine, and my ‘list’. There was a dusty hue to the sky and a stale smokey […]
Change is a problem to solve
When a career enjoyed for decades begins to feel tedious and uninspiring, thoughts often turn to making a career u-turn and embarking on something fresh and meaningful. But the idea of abandoning the familiar to try something new can be terrifying. Featured in the New Zealand Herald, 10 February 2018. By Raewyn Court Melissa Jenner […]
The collective rise of consciousness and impact on our work

Have you noticed anything about social media lately? Apart from a lot of nonsense coming over twitter from POTUS, have you noticed that the sentiment of what people are talking about is changing? For me, when Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in first emerged the conversation seemed to be a lot different. I’ve noticed a big shift […]
Getting innovation ready – how hard is it?

There are two things I get asked a lot by CEOs and other senior business leaders. “What exactly is innovation?” And: “How can you help me or my company get good at it?” Now, we could spend a lot of time debating what innovation actually is. Arguably, this might have been one of human kind’s […]